India Relief Benefit: Love in Action
Saturday, May 8th 6-8 PM EDT
Zoom – by donation (details below)
Adam Bauer
Rupa Raghunath (Food For Life/Sandeepani Muni School Founder)
H.H. Sadhu Maharaja
Rob & Melissa
Vallabh Das & Jenna Faith
Dharma Shakti
Meg & Dustin Horan
Sridhar Das
John Smrtic (Host)
**Please include your email in the donation as Zoom link will be sent before the event Saturday afternoon to email provided**
Suggested minimum donation $5
Venmo: @johnsmrtic
PayPal: paypal.me/JohnSmrtic or alloneyoga@gmail.com
*please select "Friends & Family" payment*
No one will be turned away for – just message me!
Event Format:
Opening/invocation mantras
Chant “lokah samasta sukhino bahavantu” 108 times
15 minute silent meditation for Planetary Unity
Kirtan/satsang with each of the presenters around the globe